About Carmen Ng
I am a certified practitioner of the following courses in Rising Phoenix Mystery School:
A.U.R.A. Hypnosis (Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy)
R.A.A.H. Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing
Quantum Galactic Akashic Reading
Quantum Alchemy Channeling
Additionally, I am a certified Kuan Qi Light Codes Healer, Dragon Light Codes Healer and Bringer of Light, from the Light Language Training Program at New Earth Alchemists Academy. I am also a certified practitioner of The Emotion Code and The Body Code at Discover Healing.
Beyond energy work, I create healing music, guided meditations, and offer online courses covering topics such as Starseeds, Mindfulness practices for children and pregnant women, Crystal manifestations, and more.
My spiritual journey in this lifetime began ten years ago. Today, I am gradually remembering my true, authentic self, freeing myself from the brainwashing of the inverted/illusory matrix world of the third dimension, and learning to release, cleanse, appreciate, and trust.
I was a typical excellent student produced by the rote education system, following rules, memorizing without questioning. However, I had doubts about certain things.
For decades, I saw countless people around me, including my family, suffering from chronic illnesses, mental trauma, frequent hospital visits, medications, and surgeries. Since childhood, I have asked many "why" questions... Back then, I didn’t know how to think, but I always felt something was not quite right. Deep down, I wondered, "Is there a more efficient solution?"
Another incident: my grandparents passed away when I was young, and I was excessively frightened by attending their traditional funeral ceremonies, leading to over ten years of recurring nightmares. I wondered, "Why are the rituals so scary? What exactly is death? Do ghosts really exist?"
Finally, about ten years ago, riding the wave of global awakening, my soul consciousness began to awaken too. The universe gave me a series of life-altering challenges, making me reflect and search for more answers. I desperately wanted to save myself. Looking back, the process was not easy, and I cried myself to sleep many times, but today I have come through it. Everything happens for a reason, and I am grateful for those life lessons and the support from others.
Schools and society focus on moral, intellectual, physical, social, and aesthetic development, but what about spirituality? After expanding my life experiences and consciousness, I realized the importance of spirituality because "you and I are souls with bodies to survive in this physical 3D space."
I am happy to share with you my insights: At this moment on Earth, every soul, if willing, can step onto a more ideal, easier timeline. You and I can live happier, healthier lives because our power is far greater than we imagine, and we can all self-heal.
After all, Earth is an interstellar experimental project, a 3D simulation game; so don't take it too seriously. This game is nearing its end, and the absurdities and deceptions of the past are being revealed. Our galaxy is being cleaned, adjusted, and gradually ascending, but the heavy negative energy left on Earth needs to be cleared, such as the ancestral energy burdens each person carries. It's time to purify these to align with Mother Earth's overall ascension, returning to 5D or evolving to higher dimensions.
I am a light being, contributing my part to assist human evolution during Earth's ascension, and you are too. I am honored to share what I love to do and can do: helping everyone cleanse their energy and supporting you in your self-healing journey. As we heal ourselves, we also heal the Earth.
Thank you for visiting my website and reading this. Filled with love, be brave and move forward. Let's explore, free ourselves from blockages and negative attachments. With peace of mind and faith in ourselves, we evolve and reconnect with our divine selves. No matter where you are, we belong to the same team, collaborating across time, space and dimensions.
My Infinite Love,
4 Steps of Self-Healing
Self-healing is a self-exploratory process essential for the evolution of our soul. By acknowledging our issues and seeking assistance from professional energy healers, we can clear blockages, freeing up space for our mind and body to rejuvenate, recover, and reprogram. This process also requires ongoing diligence to maintain a positive mindset and healthy living habits.

Our Holistic Approach
Illnesses are often manifestations of energy imbalance and blockages within the body, a message our body is trying to convey to us.
For example: Cancer might stem from unexpressed emotions turning into anger; diabetes might reflect a lack of nourishment and love in life; arthritis might indicate a tendency to control too much and an unwillingness to let go of someone or something; throat ailments might arise from a fear of speaking the truth or fully expressing oneself.
The root causes of illness are often due to spiritual entities, negative AI technologies, and negative energies parasitizing our bodies and energy fields.
"Some of these entities were needed in the past to help humans grow, however those times are gone! Evolving into the New Earth, these are no longer needed,
especially attached."
~ Aurora
Releasing these negative energies can elevate the body's vibrational frequency, allowing cells and genes to begin self-healing. Just like a river no longer obstructed, the previously stagnant energy flows freely again, letting your natural light shine through the body, restoring the most orgnaic, pure soul blueprint, and promoting self-healing.
Moreover, in each healing session, when we help spiritual entities transform into positive beings, they no longer need to reside within you and can regain their freedom. Thus, your healing is not only personally beneficial but also results in a win-win, or even multi-win situation.
All Healing is Self-Healing.
My role is that of an energy steward/cleaner/plumber using the highest and purest universal love light to help ready souls cleanse and purify, making space for the journey of "self-healing."
The primary method I use was developed by Aurora, the founder of Rising Phoenix Mystery School. Her signature therapy, "A.U.R.A. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique," is particularly influential.
One of the most profound accomplishments of A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing sessions is empowering clients to realize they can connect with their higher self/soul to access inner knowing and facilitate self-healing. While clients may receive multiple readings from others throughout their lives, true remembrance and growth occur when they understand that all answers lie within themselves.
Our higher self/soul embodies the essence of the divine. By unlocking and connecting with this infinite vibration within ourselves, we access the answers we seek and tap into unlimited self-healing capabilities through the Quantum World. It's about speaking from our soul, our Higher Self, our consciousness.