R.A.A.H. Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing
R.A.A.H. Reiki is a modality developed by Rising Phoenix Aurora. It utilizes sacred alchemy symbols to establish a connection with your Higher Self. Through energy work, it transmutes, cleanses, and balances energies within your mind, body, and soul.

Who can we perform R.A.A.H. Reiki Healing session on?
R.A.A.H. Reiki healing is suitable for people of all ages, including children, adults, and seniors. It can help those who have been vaccinated and wish to clear any side effects, as well as individuals who are partially awakened or not yet awakened, such as your spouse. It is also beneficial for those nearing the end of life, assisting in a smooth transition. Additionally, R.A.A.H. Reiki can be used to heal sick animals and to purify homes and land.
You are your own Creator, and I am here to bridge you to deeper healing with the aid of Universal energies.
I scan the chakra system to identify any negative energy ready to be released and healed. Then, I place divine alchemy symbols on the chakras and open up to the guidance of divine beings such as Archangels, Ascended Masters, Dragons, and the Higher Self to transmute these energies.
Within the energy work, we can:
Transmute negative cords
Cleanse the chakras from negative energy
Remove negative AI's & energy blockages
Remove entities
Close holes/tears in the auric field
Send healing Lovelight to the body to aid the higher self heal past or current life trauma
Expand spiritual gifts
Remove soul contracts completed or holding in a negative way
Assist with ancestral family tree bonds, wounding and negative energy in general
Cleanse the Tree of life
Remove Side Effects of Covid 19 Vaccine:
The session begins the process of energetically removing spike proteins and nanotechnology from the Covid-19 vaccine. After this, the number of vaccines and boosters you have received, and the time since you got them, will determine how many A.U.R.A. hypnosis sessions you need. Some people may experience self-healing during their first A.U.R.A. hypnosis session, depending on how ready they are to surrender to the process.
Those who are nearing the end of their earthly journey:
The session can assist those who are in Hospice care or about to transition. With their Higher Self’s permission, I remove negative energies, entities, etc. that may be trapped within them, allowing for a lighter body and easier transition. As our bodies become lighter and vibrate at higher frequencies, we can make better choices and be easily attracted to the benevolent celestial frequency path once we cross over.
R.A.A.H. Reiki on Animals:
Animals can also carry entities within them that are connected to illnesses. These entities are often linked to contracts the animals have agreed to in order to help the collective. For example, an animal might develop diabetes to help heal the collective by representing the lack of sweetness in life, or experience heart problems to symbolize the lack of giving or receiving love. Sometimes, animals endure starvation to help address such issues on Earth. Additionally, out of profound love for us, animals may willingly take on sickness or negative energy meant for humans.
It is best to have animals present in the same room as their owner during the session, with the video on.
R.A.A.H. Reiki Home Cleansing:
During the session, your home, including the corresponding portion of land, will undergo a cleansing process to remove any negative energies and entities, and any dark portals will be sealed. It is highly recommended to conduct a home cleansing before (or soon after) a R.A.A.H. Reiki session for a person or an A.U.R.A. Hypnosis session. This helps ensure an environment with minimal energy interferences.
All types of R.A.A.H. Reiki sessions are conducted online via Zoom.
Each session typically lasts 1 to 1.5 hours, depending on the amount that needs to be cleared.
The process will be recorded.
Before session:
I will email you the details on how to prepare for a R.A.A.H. Reiki session.
After session:
I will send you the recording of the session along with aftercare instructions. For sessions involving individuals, it's highly recommended that you watch or listen to the recording for deeper healing benefits. Additionally, maintaining a clean diet following the session is advised. This includes avoiding meat, processed sugar, and alcohol for 13 days to allow your body cells to heal and rejuvenate at a deep level.
13 Days After Care:
The day of your session marks the beginning of your journey toward self-healing. The next 13 days, and even beyond, play a crucial role in this process, with the first 13 days being especially significant.
Many clients have found that adhering to the "13-Day After Care" guidelines leads to noticeable improvements in both physical and mental well-being. During our session, I will assist in clearing various blocked energies, which may provide immediate relief. However, since negative energy has been stored in your body for an extended period, it puts stress on your cells and genes. Cells, genes, and your body’s innate intelligence have memory, and you are the boss of your body. Please provide it with new instructions—such as revising your diet, daily habits, consciousness, and mindset— so that your cells will have the the time and space needed for reprogramming and proper healing.
Since you’ve embarked on a significant spiritual journey, I strongly encourage you to follow the "13-Day After Care" guidelines closely. This will help ensure that your mind, body, and spirit achieve full recovery and rejuvenation, leading to the best possible healing results.
For legal purposes: Carmen is not a licensed physician.
Healing and medicine are distinct disciplines. This modality focuses on the art of healing rather than the practice of medicine. Please see you doctor for helath concerns.