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What People Say
Light Code Healing
~ 清水
R.A.A.H. Reiki Session
搵Carmen隔空視像做咗一次RAAH Reiki療程。療程時冇咩特別感覺,近尾聲時候斷咗線,我一路瞓喺度都唔知道,但Carmen喺另一邊繼續幫我治療,到完咗療程之後佢call返我。之後佢解釋俾我聽淨化清除咗好多積聚多年嘅負能量,靈體等等。
Important 13 days Aftercare
R.A.A.H. Reiki Session
I was tired, confused and anxious before I tried the R.A.A.H. healing session with Carmen.
Carmen explained every step of the process clearly and it was easy to follow. She conducted the session with tremendous energy and enthusiasm. The session allowed me to slow down and gave me the time and space to reflect and listen to my inner self. The process was surprisingly relaxing and I fell asleep towards the end of the session!
I was most impressed by the improvements I noticed in the next 24-48 hours to 13 days (during after care) and beyond.
Physically, I had been bothered by a bloated neck discomfort (for two months), itchy scalp during sleep whenever I stress and occasionally and randomly dry mouth in the early mornings. While these symptoms could not be helped medically, they slowly faded in the next few days/weeks after the session. Mentally, it feels like my worrying and negative thoughts had been released during the session and it freed me psychologically. I can think more clearly, like a cloud has been removed from my head. I generally feel more energized and positive - more grounded and stronger emotionally to manage the ups and downs of my day-to-days.
The after care was an important process for the 13 days after the session. It helped to break my poor eating habits and "restart" my body with new settings. I started to eat less meats and more fresh foods and vegetables and I generally feel more energetic. It was amazing how my body reacted positively to the changes: my binge eating (potato chips) and drinking habit stopped, my cravings and tastes also changed as a result. The awareness helped me eat more healthily and I feel better overall.
All in all, the healing session awakened and enlightened my mind and body! Thank you Carmen for your wholehearted support and hard work before, during and after the session. I am very grateful for your healing. 🙏🏻
~Carmen T.
Vaccine Side Effects Removed
A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Session
When I found out that AURA Hypnosis claimed to be able to remove the negative side effects of the Covid vaccine, I immediately signed up for a session with Carmen.
I had received two shots (4 brothers), and ever since then, I had been experiencing strange skin problems like rashes and dry patches. From the very beginning, I was aware of the side effects of the jabs and was reluctant to get it. But due to my work nature, I had to take it. So before the injection I went to my Chinese medicine practitioner to get some herbs and advice. But still after the injections, the skin irritations were so severe that sometimes they woke me up in the middle of the night. This issue had been troubling me for quite some time.
During the AURA session, I saw a few snapshots of places that looked like my previous homes but weren't exactly the same. I also encountered some familiar faces, people I somehow recognized from my present life. The whole experience was surreal.
Then came the body scan part. Carmen guided me through scanning my own body, and we found energies that resembled residues from the injections. I was a bit shocked to see that. Nevertheless, we got them all cleared, along with a thorough cleansing of my body and mind.
After the session, I felt like I was starting a new chapter in my life. My skin problems subsided, and I've been sleeping better without the itchy skin bothering me. I really appreciate that.
Thank you, Carmen.
~ Jose C.
Dragon Light Codes
~ yk
My Questions Solved
A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Session
Relaxing; solved most of my questions, Carmen was kind and gentle
~ Constantine Au
One is All and All is One
Kuan Qi Light Codes
The vision I was shown was of a bright light shining from the top right, and a large round ball of light appearing in front of me, and then the beam of light intensified and expanded. Was it the Earth, or each of us? I realized it represented "One is All and All is One."
~ masumi terayama
R.A.A.H. Reiki Session
結論をお伝えすると、正直完全ではないものの、でも少しずつ解放されているのではと思っています。 食事などの制限にある期間は13日間だったけれど、その後も自分と向き合う、気持ちに正直であり続けるのが大事でそこがカーメン先生のおっしゃっていた鍛錬なのかもと思いました。。この道には正解がなさそうで、自分を信じて
〜 渡辺
Light Codes Healing
~ Tocco
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